Blackberry 9860, when power on, red light turn on few seconds, black screen, then appears "sand clock icon" few seconds. All time same loop

procedures i did:
2-change soft
3-Fix . Only when i did FIX APP procedure, sand clock starts to appear on display. Before that all time black screen.
here some logs,
[Get info started.]
Bootrom info
Bootrom version:
Metrics version: 6.25
Build user: ec_agent
Build date: Apr 26 2011
Build time: 18:58:44
OS ID: 0
HWID override: 0
OS info
OS version:
Build user: ec_agent
Build date: Jul 18 2011
Build time: 19:51:59
Device info
Device name: RIM BlackBerry Device
BSN hash: 2c7b5961222d883cbb047c13da19a0ad26c72b28
Model number: BlackBerry 9860 Torch
HWID: 0x00
PIN: 0x28fa2282
Operator ID: 102(ATT)
Get info done.
[Nuke phone]
Starting nuke process
Waiting for boot mode
If it doesn't connect in 10 seconds, unplug the USB cable and plug it in again
Nuking the phone. Please wait until the red LED extinguishes. This may take a few minutes.
Nuking done.
Finish all ok, but only black screen
[Flashing BlackBerry 7.1]
Software info
SCM version:
APP version:
Platform version:
Software OperatorID: 628
Phone Operator ID: 102 (ATT)
Minimum files will be uploaded from the selected version with languages:
Fetching upgrade files
Please wait, it is a long process ...
Downloading files
Parsing download list
1012 files will be downloaded
Switching to loader mode
Parsing SFI file
Updating meminfo
Updating meminfo
SFI1 addr: 0x181 - 0x48a
SFI2 addr: 0x48b - 0x58d
APP addr: 0x58e - 0x200f
Deleting APP area (erasing all applications)
Flashing SFI1 (operating system)
Writing flash
Flashing SFI2 (OS auxiliary data)
Writing flash
Switching to SFI mode
This means that the phone is booting or booted: The blackberry logo and a loading bar is displayed on the screen
Phone must have battery in. (phone has battery in)
Waiting for the phone to restart
Could not connect to SFI JVM. Is the battery in? (yes)
[Fixing app errors]
[Flashing SFI]
Waiting for the device to reconnect
Loader started
Sign correct
Extra info: HN 10267
Loading files
Unpacking file 1
Unpacking file 2
Unpacking file 3
Updating meminfo
Updating meminfo
Deleting APP area (erasing all applications)
Flashing SFI1 (operating system)
Writing flash
Flashing SFI2 (OS auxiliary data)
Writing flash
Flashing APP (applications)
Writing flash
Flashing has been finished
Switching to SFI mode
This means that the phone is booting or booted: The blackberry logo and a loading bar is displayed on the screen
Waiting for the phone to restart
Canceled. (by user, bc never end)
black display, then show 3 sec. clock icon, then black display.. and again... clock..
Refurbish option can solve problem?
In case refurbish not fix problem u give back credits?