samedi 28 juin 2014

Order ID: 2172932

Handset Model: iPhone 4S

Locked To: KDDI Japan

This network is now available for a full unlock for £59.99. As you have only bought the pre-order, you need to upgrade to the full unlock which means paying the extra£39.99.

Upon payment your handset will be factory unlocked in just 5-15 days

what can i do know i have already purchase but it shows like this

Your cart has been updated, following unlocks were removed:

We have currently filled our unlocking quota for this network (KDDI Japan) and have suspended new purchases until our backlog is processed to ensure waiting times do not extend beyon.

even new order i cant buy unlock code. please help me what to do.

remember about this order

Dear Samsonn,

The IMEI you gave us has been rejected by the carrier for unlocking due to being marked Blocked, usually meaning it's a lost or stolen handset, but handsets can be blocked for any number of reasons including non-payment of bills, blacklisted, bad ESN and/or contract issues. We cannot supply a refund for handsets that come back as blocked - this is mentioned on the website before purchase.

Usually we do not refund barred handsets, but as a goodwill gesture your order for Official Factory Unlock for 990001917174732 (iPhone 4S) locked to Sprint USA has been cancelled and £ 49.99 has been transferred into your Official iPhone Unlock Trade Account which is associated with your email address.

To use these credits on our website, simply use our website as normal. Then enter your email address, our system will recognise you have available trade credits and on the final payment page the funds will automatically be discounted off your purchase. i need you help please. Thanx in advance.

via Welcome to gsm-tips

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