vendredi 29 août 2014

gt-s5830i repair dead boot done

Using EasyRepair Mode...

Checking repair data...

EasyJtag Suite ver.: / wxWidgets 3.1.0-W-U started.

Operating system ver.: Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 3).

For support and updates visit EasyJtag ? most powerfull eMMC and JTAG tool on market. - EMMC BOX, JTAG BOX ,Z3X , BOOT REPAIR , FORENSICS TOOL

Check security...OK

Initialising: SAMSUNG GT-S5830I Config ver.:1.01

I/O Level set to : 3000 mV

Box S/N: 090000 ,FW Ver.: 01.50

Connecting to Target...

JTAG device: BCM21553

CPU IDCODE : 0x07B3617F Mfg.: 0x0bf, Part: 0x7b36, Ver.: 0x0

CPU Manufacturer: SST/Broadcom , CPU Name: BCM21553

Halting CPU...

Initialize hardware...

Starting target communication...

Detecting nand memory parameters ...

NAND flash device ID:00EC:0050 'NAND 512MB 1.8V 16-bit (Samsung)' found

NAND geometry: Blocks:00000800, Page size:4096 bytes , Block size:64 pages


NAND Write OK! Elapsed time: 1.953125s (135.168 KiB/s)

NAND Writing SBL1...

NAND Write OK! Elapsed time: 15.593750s (135.439 KiB/s)

NAND Writing PIT...

NAND Write OK! Elapsed time: 1.953125s (135.168 KiB/s)

NAND Writing EFS...

NAND Write OK! Elapsed time: 1.953125s (135.168 KiB/s)


NAND Write OK! Elapsed time: 1.953125s (135.168 KiB/s)

NAND Writing UPCH...

NAND Write OK! Elapsed time: 7.812500s (135.168 KiB/s)

All Done.

via Welcome to gsm-tips

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