dimanche 28 décembre 2014

HTC desire U/V/X

dear friends ,

i am getting a lot desire u / x /v which comes to me in dead condition .

Condition : DEAD after being put to charger

dead after restarted

2/3 times restarted , then dead

symptoms : Usb driver is detected when pluged to pc .

When tried on riff --- some times give self test fails --- some time give ram fail

i tried some 10/11 units to resurrect , but all fails , without any luck

i want to know is that really a hardware problem or its the inability of RIFF to repair the unit

is the same happening to others also



via Welcome to gsm-tips http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f796/htc-desire-u-v-x-1897330/

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