lundi 23 décembre 2013

sir plz help me how to use mtk android 6573 usb mode by volcano..

sir plz help me how to use mtk android 6573 usb mode by volcano..i m use this methord but not working usb mode.only show Analysis of USB port,Please insert phone USB cable....i m useing this methord...1st instal mtk all android usb driver..2nd-open my volcano software 3rd-select boot 10(v7.1216)(65xx)android boot 4th-untric auto detect pinouts 5th-tiic usb mode nd 7th-i sclect run nd chik boot key of my mobile 918n(bootkey -vol key) nd conect usb cable my pc nd mobile conect complit pc nd automatic refrsh volcano conecting port(13 or 14)but volcano software not working usb mode..only show..Analysis of USB port,Please insert phone USB cable...plz help me sir what i do? plz help help volcano team....:(

via Welcome to gsm-tips

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