lundi 2 mars 2015

M250s show error (0x25)

what problem? pls help me all user and team

Open serial port...OK

Connecting to the RIFF Box...OK

Firmware Version: 1.37, JTAG Manager Version: 1.56

Selected Resurrector: [Samsung M250S V1.0.4990.45084]

Connecting to the dead body...OK

Detected dead body ID: 0x4BA00477 - CORRECT!

Set I/O Voltage reads as 2.81V, TCK Frequency is 8 MHz

Resurrection sequence started.

Establish communication with the phone...OK

Initializing internal hardware configuration...OK

Uploading resurrector data into memory...OK

Starting communication with resurrector...OK

Detected an Initialized FLASH1 Chip, ID: 0x0015/0x0100 (VYL00M, 0x0003AB400000 Bytes = 14.68 GB)

Detected an Initialized FLASH2 Chip, ID: 0x0015/0x0100 (VYL00M, 0x000000080000 Bytes = 0.50 MB)

Selected Resurrection Data for the eMMC Chip with Capacity = 14.68GB

Flashing the dead body...

WARNING: Programming Error (0x25) at 0x000000000000 is handled as Cut Excess.

WARNING: Programming Error (0x25) at 0x000000004000 is handled as Cut Excess.

WARNING: Programming Error (0x25) at 0x000000008000 is handled as Cut Excess.

WARNING: Programming Error (0x25) at 0x00000000C000 is handled as Cut Excess.

WARNING: Programming Error (0x25) at 0x000000010000 is handled as Cut Excess.

WARNING: Programming Error (0x25) at 0x000000014000 is handled as Cut Excess.

WARNING: Programming Error (0x25) at 0x000000018000 is handled as Cut Excess.

WARNING: Programming Error (0x25) at 0x00000001C000 is handled as Cut Excess.

WARNING: Programming Error (0x25) at 0x000000020000 is handled as Cut Excess.

WARNING: Programming Error (0x25) at 0x000000024000 is handled as Cut Excess.

WARNING: Programming Error (0x25) at 0x000000028000 is handled as Cut Excess.

WARNING: Programming Error (0x25) at 0x00000002C000 is handled as Cut Excess.

WARNING: Programming Error (0x25) at 0x000000030000 is handled as Cut Excess.

WARNING: Programming Error (0x25) at 0x000000034000 is handled as Cut Excess.

ERROR: Timeout while waiting for DCC Loader response. Trying to recover...

via Welcome to gsm-tips

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